
主编荐读 | 手机干预与疼痛管理:老年慢性病人群研究等 Frontiers in Pain Research 论文精选

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本期由目前担任 Frontiers in Pain Research (IF: 2.5 | CiteScore: 2.1) 期刊 Geriatric Pain 栏目主编的 Cary Reid 教授,对近期发表在该栏目下的部分文章进行了推荐及点评,欢迎阅读。

Dr. Cary Reid, Specialty Chief Editor for Geriatric Pain section and a superhero for seniors! By day, he tackles aches and pains in aging patients and as a Geriatric’s professor at Weill Cornell Medical College he mentors the next generation of researchers dedicated to the study of later-life pain. He is armed with a wealth of knowledge and distinguished by his appointment as the Irving Sherwood Wright Professor. His groundbreaking research is further evidenced by a prestigious Robert Wood Johnson Generalist Physician Scholar Award as well as a highly coveted Paul Beeson Faculty Scholar on Aging Research Award.

Currently Dr. Reid is conducting two clinical trials. One involves the use of an emotion regulation therapy as a means of reducing pain in older adults while the 2nd is testing a transcranial direct current stimulation device to mitigate pain in patients receiving long-term hemodialysis.

Vision for the Geriatric Pain section: 

Dr. Reid envisions growing the Geriatric Pain section into a sought-after platform for publishing high-impact, groundbreaking articles that significantly advance the care of aging adults negatively impacted by pain. By fostering innovative research and encouraging critical discussions, this section aims to become the go-to resource for clinicians, researchers, and policymakers dedicated to improving pain management and quality of life for elderly patients. Dr. Reid’s commitment is to ensure that every publication within this section contributes meaningfully to the field, driving forward evidence-based practices and transformative solutions for geriatric pain care.



Exploring the relationship between gratitude and depression among older adults with chronic low back pain: a sequential mediation analysis




积极心理健康理论模型 (PPWB) 展示了感恩与抑郁症相关的途径。







Successes and lessons learned from a mobile health behavior intervention to reduce pain and improve health in older adults with obesity and chronic pain: a qualitative study


主编导读:在疼痛研究领域,采用移动健康干预措施的研究数量正在激增,其目标是利用传感器和移动应用程序等新技术来改进对不同疼痛人群的测量和管理。本研究分析了 14 名参与者的定性数据,这些参与者参加了一项为期 12 周的随机对照试验,该试验旨在检验 “减少疼痛和改善健康的移动干预”(MORPH)的可行性和初步疗效。研究人员确定了干预措施的关键方面,这些方面被认为是该项目获益的基础,并确定了参与者在使用干预措施的几个方面所面临的挑战。这些发现可以帮助有志为患有慢性疼痛的老年人设计移动应用干预措施的研究人员。







Promoting successful participation of people living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias in pain-related neuroimaging research studies









Frontiers in Pain Research 是瑞士出版社 Frontiers 旗下的开放获取期刊,最新影响因子 2.5,CiteScore 2.1。从整体的角度对疼痛进行研究,涵盖一系列医学专业的机制、治疗、社会经济学、诊断、预防措施和疼痛管理。本刊已被 ESCI、PubMed Central (PMC)、SCOPUS 和 DOAJ 等数据库收录。欢迎所有有助于深入了解疼痛病理生理学和开发新型镇痛药以改善临床治疗的研究。

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